Our customer was waiting for an increase in the electrical power supply. Since there was temporarily
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Odour eliminators
Does your home have an unpleasant odour? Or do you need an air purifier at your place of business?
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Building dryer: fire damage
Using a building dryer is recommended in the event of damage caused by extinguishing water. Not only will the fire itself have caused significant damage to your home.
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Types of building dryers
In principle, there are two types of dryers on the market: condensation dryers and adsorption dryers. For drying out buildings we always use condensation dryers.
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Odour control
Are you suffering from air pollution in your home or business? Ozone generators allow odour components and other air pollutants to be efficiently decomposed at molecular level.
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Hiring measuring equipment
Also when using building dryers, it not always excactly clear how long the drying process will take. To know just how dry your wall or screed already is, you can use specialised measuring equipment.
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Provincialeweg 1
2890 Puurs-Sint-Amands
(Enter in Google Maps)
Houtenmolenstraat 69B
B-9255 Buggenhout
BTW BE0886.987.301
KBC BE57 7370 2003 9435