Do you need a temporary electric heater on your building site or do you want to rent a temporary heater for an event, for example? At you can rent high-quality electric heaters! is also the right address when your screed is already dry and you want to install an electric heater on your site until the works are completed. If you are not building but are planning a party for which you want to rent a heater, you can rent a high-quality heater from us.
Sometimes you need more than building dryers to dry out your screed. In such cases it may be advisable to rent an additional heater, possibly in combination with building dryers and fans. You can rent an electric heater from us.
When there is not enough electric power for the on-site installation of an additional electric heater, a direct or indirect fired air heater running on gas, deodorised petroleum or fuel oil provides the solution.
In the case of a direct fired heater, exhaust gases are released into the room to be heated. The combustion gases released by the air heater contain a fraction of hydrogen, but if you have also installed building dryers in your building, they will use the extra hydrogen in the drying process. A direct fired heater should therefore preferably be rented in combination with building dryers. Furthermore, it is best to use a heater that is fitted with a thermostat
You can also contact us for renting an indirect fired heater. With this heating system the burner is installed not within the building but outdoors. Only warm air enters the building by means of an air hose. The combustion gases are discharged to the atmosphere.
Hiring a heater? will be happy to assist you with your building project. If you are not sure which heater to rent for your project, feel free to contact us at 0476/20.41.56 or via the contact form. We will gladly advise you! Would you like to receive a detailed quote and do you have a digital plan of your home? Then email it to so we can send you a no commitment quote!
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