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When your home or building really needs to be dry
Discover our drying solutions


Do you need a temporary electric heater on your building site or do you want to rent a temporary heater for an event, for example? At Buildingdryers.be you can rent high-quality electric heaters! Buildingdryers.be is also the right address when your screed is already dry and you want to install an electric heater on your site until the works are completed. If you are not building but are planning a party for which you want to rent a heater, you can rent a high-quality heater from us.

Renting an electric heater for your screed

Sometimes you need more than building dryers to dry out your screed. In such cases it may be advisable to rent an additional heater, possibly in combination with building dryers and fans. You can rent an electric heater from us.


When there is not enough electric power for the on-site installation of an additional electric heater, a direct or indirect fired air heater running on gas, deodorised petroleum or fuel oil provides the solution.

Rent a temporary heater!

Renting a direct fired heater

In the case of a direct fired heater, exhaust gases are released into the room to be heated. The combustion gases released by the air heater contain a fraction of hydrogen, but if you have also installed building dryers in your building, they will use the extra hydrogen in the drying process. A direct fired heater should therefore preferably be rented in combination with building dryers. Furthermore, it is best to use a heater that is fitted with a thermostat

Renting an indirect fired heater

You can also contact us for renting an indirect fired heater. With this heating system the burner is installed not within the building but outdoors. Only warm air enters the building by means of an air hose. The combustion gases are discharged to the atmosphere.


Hiring a heater? Contact us!

Hiring a heater? Buildingdryers.be will be happy to assist you with your building project. If you are not sure which heater to rent for your project, feel free to contact us at 0476/20.41.56 or via the contact form. We will gladly advise you! Would you like to receive a detailed quote and do you have a digital plan of your home? Then email it to Ruben@bouwdroger.com so we can send you a no commitment quote!

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Very wide selection always the right advice for which devices to use. And on top of that friendly, helpful staff and all at very competitive prices. Highly recommended!

Branco B.
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Thank you for your prompt service! Truly a pleasure to work with you guys for our project. Top!

Hans D.
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Thank you very much for the punctual delivery of the construction dryer and the friendly and clear explanation by Jelle.

Patricia V.
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The building dryer did its job well and we are very satisfied with the service!

Bart C.
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Good service and very friendly people. Appointments made are kept perfectly. In short: highly recommended.

David V.
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The two DF200s were with us for one month. The result is definitely very positive! We should have done this much ea

Björn C.
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2 hours after my phone call I was already helped. So that was very fast and also very professional, very friendly and for a correct price, so 10 out of 10!

Mark V.
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Very good service!

Ward L.
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Total professionals! Quick and focused service combined with great customer friendliness and a professional attitude have been of great benefit to us. Keep up the good work!

Gert V.
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We are 200% satisfied with your construction dryer DF800 that we used. Chap installed in early May and 6 weeks later we got to have cork (yes, yes, cork!) installed!!! Chapeau also for the punctuality of delivery, and the efficiency of your staff. That was to be said!

Danny & Katrien

Start-up of temporary underfloor heating in the new BMW motorcycle showroomDuring the finishing phas
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Discover our tips

Dust extraction
Construction or renovation and dust go hand in hand. But that does not mean that you or the people on your worksite have to breathe in dust the whole time.
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Practical tips
With natural drying it is difficult to estimate the length of the drying process, but also with building dryers it is virtually impossible to determine the exact drying time. In general.
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Good to know: Since 1 January 2017, contractors have been required to keep dust emissions as low as possible when carrying out construction works. Fortunately, Buildingdryers.be has the solution.
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How many buildingdryers?
When you have decided to use building dryers to speed up the drying time of your screed or plasterwork, you should ask yourself how many building dryers you will need to ensure optimal drying.
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Building dryer: low temperatures
It is a myth that building dryers work less efficiently at lower temperatures. What is true is that building dryers thrive, and therefore perform optimally, in warmer environments.
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